TITLE: The Association Between Survivors' Guilt, Gratitude, and Indebtedness in the Belongingness of Refugee College Students

VCU IRB NO.: HM20024995

VCU Investigator: Dr. Myriam Kadeba

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this research study is to understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of college students who identify as refugees. The study will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AND YOUR INVOLVEMENT If you decide to be in this research study, you will complete an online survey that first asks demographic questions which include sex, age, race and ethnicity, country of origin, citizenship status, first-generation student status, and refugee status. You will then answer additional questions about your experiences and feelings as a refugee student and how that affects your sense of belonging. You will also be asked about your personality, habits, thoughts, and emotions. At the end of the survey, you will have the option to enter your email address for a gift card drawing.

RISKS AND DISCOMFORTS The risks are not greater than the risks associated with daily living. You will complete several questionnaires. None of the questions will ask about sensitive information. If any of the questions or items make you uncomfortable, you may skip them or any others that you do not wish to answer. If you have additional questions you are encouraged to email the investigators before participating.

BENEFITS TO YOU AND OTHERS It is not expected that you will benefit directly from this study. However, this study is likely to further expand the limited research regarding the thought, feelings, and experiences of refugee students. As a participant, you will receive one entry into a drawing for 18 $25 e-gift cards.

COSTS There are no costs for participating in this study other than the time you will spend on the tasks.

CONFIDENTIALITY Potentially identifiable information about you will consist of surveys. Data is being collected only for research purposes. Your survey data will be identified by ID numbers, not names, and stored on a password-protected encrypted server. If you choose to enter your email for the drawing, your email will be stored in a separate data form than your survey data which cannot be linked to your data. Emails will only be used for the purpose of granting e-gift cards and will be deleted immediately following gift administration. Survey data will be kept indefinitely without identifiers. Access to all data will be limited to study personnel. A data and safety monitoring plan is established. We will not tell anyone the answers you give us; however, information from the study may be looked at or copied for research or legal purposes by Virginia Commonwealth University. What we find from this study may be presented at meetings or published in papers, but your name will not ever be used in these presentations or papers.

VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION You do not have to participate in this study. If you choose to participate, you may stop at any time without any penalty. You may also choose not to answer particular questions that are asked in the study. The data you provide will only be used with your full consent. There is a question at the end of the study that asks whether or not you would like us to use your data.

QUESTIONS If you have any questions, complaints, or concerns about your participation in this research, contact:

Dr. Myriam Kadeba

Virginia Commonwealth University

907 Floyd Ave. P. O. Box 843080

Richmond, VA 23284

(804) 828-6672

The researcher/study staff named above is the best person to call for questions about your participation in this study. If you have any general questions about your rights as a participant in this or any other research, you may contact:

Office of Research

Virginia Commonwealth University

800 East Leigh Street, Suite 3000 P.O. Box 980568

Richmond, VA 23298

Telephone: (804) 827-2157

Contact this number for general questions, concerns, or complaints about research. You may also call this number if you cannot reach the research team or if you wish to talk with someone else. General information about participation in research studies can also be found at

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