The VCU Clinical Administrator is responsible for creating user accounts for investigators to access the VCU organizational account in the ( protocol registration system (PRS). The PRS system is used to register and update investigator-initiated clinical trials conducted at VCU. By completing the following form, the principal investigator (PI) or their designee can initiate this process. The PI remains ultimately responsible for ensuring that their clinical trials are registered on in accordance with the VCU compliance notice (Compliance Notice 17-003).

By clicking "Submit", the information provided will be used by the VCU Administrator to create a PRS user account. The requester will receive an email from with a user name, password, and instructions on how to access the account. If you do not receive that email within 2 working days of submitting your request, please contact the Administrator at If you have requested assistance in creating your new record, need to be added to an existing record, or need to transfer existing records to VCU the Administrator will follow up with further information.

If you have additional questions, please contact the administrator at


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