
As the only comprehensive national survey of basic online language education (OLE) at the post-secondary level, the BOLDD Survey describes the current status of post-secondary OLE in the US, traces emerging national trends in OLE design and delivery, and identifies areas in OLE that need attention. This second survey on leadership and change is intended to add important allied information about the efforts of those involved in establishing OLE. This survey is intended for anyone leading the establishment of online language education.We will discuss at IALLT 2017 data from 3 years of BOLDD surveys (2013-2016) in relation to the new survey on leadership and change to understand what needs attention in OLE and who is equipped to drive such change.

The survey begins with a pre-survey to ascertain if you are a member of the target audience for the survey. If you are a member, you will then be directed to complete the main survey. Questions about the survey could be directed to sangeetha@wayne.edu.

Thank you!

Sangeetha Gopalakrishnan & Kathryn Murphy Judy

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