As VCU moves forward with expanding community-engaged research efforts and improving relationships with our community members and partners, we recognize the need to connect researchers and the public. Community health needs assessments serve as the starting point to address a community’s needs and advocate for improvement. Over the years, the VCU/VCUHS community and partners have conducted several assessments and evaluation reports. The Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research seeks to create a database of compiled reports for users to access a cataloged repository of statewide and local needs assessments. Once populated, the database will be made public via the Wright Center website and participants who submit their needs assessment will automatically have access to the entire database. To begin this process, we request the submission of any existing assessments and reports completed by VCU/VCUHS or community partners. To submit a needs assessment please use the link below to input information. Please share this link with community partners and others to complete. Any assistance in completing the survey or identifying participants is greatly appreciated!

For more information, please contact Rachel Hunley at

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