Thank you for your interest in the Attitudinal Attributes of Professionalism in Health Sciences Librarians study. Please complete the following survey and answer the questions to the best of your ability.

Completion of the questionnaires constitutes your willingness to participate in the study.  The questionnaire responses will remain completely anonymous at all times.  All information gathered from subjects will be reported as group data, further disassociating any individualized characteristics from being identified within the sample.  Neither individuals nor libraries will be identifiable in the final report.  This project, the Attitudinal Attributes of Professionalism in Health Sciences Librarians Study, has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Virginia Commonwealth University - Study HM20013052. If you have any questions about your rights as a participant, please contact the VCU Office of Research Subjects Protection at (804) 828-0868.

As an additional incentive, we are offering (2) $50 Visa gift cards, randomly selected, for those who complete the survey. When you finish the online questionnaires, you may voluntarily choose to enter your name into the drawing. Winners will be notified individually via email after the survey closes. Email addresses will only be used for the drawing. This data will not be included in any analysis and will be exported to ensure anonymity.

Thank you!

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